Honey has always been an integral part of our life and history. It is the original sweetener and is still widely used in place of white sugar by many. Its various natural antimicrobial and health-related properties have been known from Vedic times, and it has been a major component in Ayurvedic and many other traditional forms of medicine. But what is it really that makes honey such a treasured substance with near mythical properties?

What is honey?

Honey Bee on a honey comb

Let us begin at the basics. Honey is a sweet, golden substance that is produced by honeybees. It acts as source of energy for the growing larvae of the bees and is stored in beehives. Humans are not the only creatures that use honey for nutrition. It is a favourite snack for many animals likes bears, honey badgers and more. It is an extremely calorie and nutrient rich substance that is said to have various uses, both as a food item and as a medicine.

How is Nutriplus Busy Bee Monofloral Honey different from the rest?

While it is easy to pick up a bottle of honey from your supermarket, chances are that you are not getting the best product. Even if the brand of honey that you are using is free of any cheap and sugary adulterants, chances are that it has been refined and pasteurised for human consumption. While refining and pasteurisation has always been associated with a bacteria free and better product, the same does not apply for honey. Honey, with its natural antimicrobial properties, does not need treatment against bacteria or other microbes. In fact, honey excavated from the pyramids have been found to be completely safe and unspoiled. Heating honey as part of pasteurisation is also known to reduce the nutrition content of the honey.


Qnet Nutriplus Busy Bee Monofloral Honey is able to keep its nutrients and health benefits from being lost during the refinement and pasteurisation as the product is not heated more than the natural temperature of the beehives. Nutriplus Busy Bee Honey is carefully and hygienically collected, filtered, and bottled immediately without the addition of any chemicals or other additives. It is 100% natural, pure and does not undergo pasteurization so that you get the benefits of hone, like how nature intended you to. It is a great source of energy and is filled with various nutrients like zinc, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and contains a whopping 22 amino acids. It is also a natural source of essential vitamins like Vitamin B6, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and more.

Nutriplus Busy Bee Honey

Qnet Nutriplus Busy Bee comes in three varities, each with its own distinct flavour and benefits. These are

Nutriplus Busy Bee Jamun Honey: Made from the honey collected by bees that mainly feed and forage on the flowers of the Jamun or the Indian Blackberry tree, Qnet Nutriplus Busy Bee Jamun Honey has a mild and sweet flavour. It is an excellent source of nutrients and is known for its sedative and calming effects.

Nutriplus Busy Bee Eucalyptus Honey: Get the health benefits of the Eucalyptus plants, in a sweet, honey form. Feel energised and healthy with the distinct taste and aroma of the Eucalyptus plant with this nutrient rich honey from Qnet Nutriplus.

Nutriplus Busy Bee Indian Laurel Honey: It is extracted from the honey of honeybees that feed on the Indian Laurel flowers, a member of the Fig family. It is a rich and sweet honey that is filled with antioxidants and various important nutrients.

Consuming two tablespoons of honey on a daily basis has been shown to improve overall health and immunity. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, is known to be an effective home remedy against cold and fever, helps lose weight and improve immunity among other things. Qnet Nutriplus Busy Bee Monofloral Honey can be used a wide variety if ways. I can be consumed as it is, without any preparation or can be used in cooking and baking. You can use it as a sweetener for your coffee, tea or any beverage of choice, and be confident that you made a better health decision by replacing sugar. With Nutriplus Busy Bee Honey, you can take your first step towards a healthier lifestyle, without replacing your love for the sweeter things in life.


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