For a long time, liver health has not been something that has been widely talked about. People have always been conscious of taking care of their hearts and lungs, but unless you drank alcohol on an almost regular basis, the chances are that you never thought about the harm you put your liver through. But thankfully, things have changed! People have become more aware of the harmful effects of our modern diet and antibiotics on our livers and the role the largest organ plays in a healthy life. The Health benefits of cod liver oil capsules and other liver supplements are popular articles on the internet and for a good reason. But have I stumbled across what might be the best liver health capsule in the market? Is Nutriplus LivHealth as good as what people claim it to be?

What is Nutriplus LivHealth?

Nutriplus LivHealth- Liver health capsule

Nutriplus LivHealth is a proprietary liver health capsule from QNET. Made with the healing powers of Ganoderma lucidum or Reishi Mushroom as it is commonly called, Nutriplus LivHealth is filled with antioxidant compounds and other micronutrients that improve the health of your liver and helps you stay healthy and fit. Reishi Mushroom is also called Lingzhi mushroom and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries as a means of improving overall health and longevity. It is this same mushroom that provides the healing powers to Nutriplus LivHealth.

The Right Diet Ideal for Liver Health | QNET Tips | QBuzz India

Nutriplus LivHealth is rich in key nutrients compounds like polysaccharides, organic germanium, glycoproteins, bioactive molecules, nucleotides as well as many essential amino acids. These compounds have been shown to be critical in improving liver health as well as working as an antioxidant, antiviral and antimicrobial.

Benefits of Nutriplus LivHealth

Nutriplus LivHealth not only protects the liver from damage and inflammation it also improves the regeneration of liver cell. Nutriplus LivHealth is a lot more than just a liver health capsule. It helps regulate high blood pressure and improves the cardiovascular system. It also helps overcome insomnia and prevents muscle weakness and loss of muscle mass. Nutriplus LivHealth also has anti-inflammatory properties that help in speeding up the healing.

The recommended usage of Nutriplus LivHealth is 2 to 4 capsule a day, before each meal.

So, is Nutriplus LivHealth the best liver health capsule in the market?

There are many good liver health capsules in the market that can claim to be the best. The health benefits of cod liver oil are something that is widely documented and talked about. But what makes Nutriplus LivHealth different from these supplements is that LivHealth is safe for vegetarians and vegans. It is 100% natural and free of any preservatives.

QNET and Nutriplus’ Commitment towards Improving Health

QNET has always been a leader when it comes to improving the health and fitness of its customers. They have also helped millions of people to start a successful business and to achieve financial independence. There are many Nutriplus products that help you to improve your overall health. Some of my favourites include Nutriplus SkinHeath, a product that keeps your skin smooth and youthful-looking, as well as Nutriplus DailyHealth, a daily supplement that uses the healing power of wild AFA extract to improve health. So head on to the QNET India store and pick out the correct supplement for you!   


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