I am sure that this is not the first time I have talked about stevia or how much I prefer it over sugar. I have already replaced most of my sugar with Nutriplus Natose Stevia and has always tried to convince my family and friends to do the same. Not only is stevia a healthier alternative to sugar, but it is also completely natural and free of any side effects. But even I was not aware of how much healthier stevia is when compared to sugar. Here are some of the lesser-known facts about Stevia that I learned when I was researching the product.

 Regulates blood pressure and heart health

Stevioside, a compound found in Stevia, has been shown to reduce blood pressure by dilating and relaxing blood vessels. It has also been shown to increase urination and thereby help in the elimination of sodium from the body. Excessive sodium in the body has been shown to have a negative effect on the blood vessels and cardiovascular health as a whole.

Lowers bad cholesterol

Research has shown that consuming as little as 400ml of stevia daily can help you to reduce your bad cholesterol or LDL levels. It has also been shown to improve the levels of good cholesterol or HDL, which is essential to maintain a healthy lipid profile.

Reduces chances of Osteoporosis and Improves Dental Health

As one age, their chances of getting osteoporosis also goes up. Studies have proven that stevia helps the bones to absorb more calcium. This improves bone density and strength, reducing the chance of osteoporosis. Stevia is also a common ingredient in toothpaste around the world and helps prevent bacterial plaque, cavities and gingivitis.

Improves immune system

Stevia is rich in many different kinds of antioxidants that keep the body healthy and improves immune function.

Sustainable and eco-friendly

Not only stevia and Nutriplus Natose Stevia healthier compared to other sugar substitutes, but it is also more eco-friendly and sustainable. Stevia cultivation takes up less land and water when compared to sugarcane. Also, since it is over 200 times sweeter than sugar, there is less wastage and cost associated with transport and storing.

It is never too late to change from sugar to stevia and improve your health. I have already talked about how sugar is the culprit when it comes to obesity and other metabolic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure.

Nutriplus Natose Stevia and your Health

Nutriplus Natose Stevia

Stevia is a healthier alternative to sugar that most people are not aware of. While there are many low-calorie or even zero-calorie sugar substitutes available in the market, most of them are chemically synthesised and have negative health effects associated with them. Nutriplus Natose stevia is made from 100% stevia extract, which is zero-calories and 100% natural.

Nutriplus Natose comes in an easy-to-use container that you can always carry around in your bag, anywhere, anytime. It is heat-stable, making it one of the only sugar substitute that can be used in baking.

The journey towards good health is a long and arduous one. But taking small steps like replacing your sugar with Nutriplus Natose, you will be able to improve your health and lead a happy life!  

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