While coconut oil has not been considered one of the best oils for health, new studies have shown that there are many health and cosmetic use that had been previously overlooked. It has become a favourite of people who are looking to lose weight and become healthier. But the truth is that even coconut oil comes in two varieties, with one being miles ahead of the other when it comes to health benefits.

Refined and Virgin Coconut oil

Refined coconut oil is produced by heat pressing dried coconut or ‘copra’. It goes through a number of processes to make it refined, bleached and deodorized. Not only does this process make the oil smell and tasteless like coconut, but it also removes a large portion of its health benefits and nutrients.

Meanwhile, virgin coconut oil is made from the flesh of the coconut and has a milky appearance. Virgin coconut oil also retains the aroma, flavour, antioxidants, healthy fatty acids, and essential vitamins.

Benefits of Virgin Coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil has a number of health benefits that can be attributed to a large amount of essential fatty acids and antioxidants. It is also known for its cosmetic uses.


Almost all the calories in coconut oil come from fatty acids. While it can seem scary to many, fat is an essential macronutrient that is needed for a number of bodily functions. Fat is needed for assimilating fat-soluble vitamins, maintain normal body temperature, production of hormones, and guarding organs.

Energy Booster

Virgin coconut oil has become the go-to energy booster for athletes, weight watchers and bodybuilders. The fat molecules in coconut oil are easily and quickly converted to energy in the body and do not lead to the accumulation of fat in the heart and blood vessels. Virgin Coconut oil is also known to boost energy, endurance, and overall performance levels.

Saturated fat

Saturated fat has had a bad rapport ever since people have turned to a healthier living. And coconut oil is filled with saturated fats. What makes virgin coconut oil different from other kinds of saturated fat is that coconut oil is mostly medium-chain triglyceride. Medium-chain triglycerides are easier to digest and much better for the body than long-chain fatty acids. Lauric acid, capric acid, caproic acid, and myristic acid have strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties that make virgin coconut oil an ideal health supplement.

Why I use Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil?

If you come to my house, you will find Nutriplus products in almost every room. And one of my favourite Nutriplus product is Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil or VCO. Extracted from the purest organically grown coconuts of Kerala, Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil is extracted using the cold-pressing process that uses mechanical cold extraction technique which uses fresh coconut flesh and milk to produce the oil. Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil is rich in antibacterial and antifungal compounds and is known for its anti-ageing and antioxidant properties.

The medium-chain triglycerides in Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil are also known to help in burning a large number of calories when compared to their longer chai counterpart. It helps in increasing the body’s metabolic rate and in the better absorption of nutrients. Nutriplus Virgin Coconut oil is also better and faster absorbed by the skin and hair. This protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun and nourishes it. It also reduces the amount of protein lost from the skin and hair. All these make Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil an ideal companion in the kitchen as well as the dressing table.

Health and wellness is a long journey that you should be consistent on. And replacing your normal cooking oil with Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil is a small step that you can do to make sure that you can begin your journey towards a healthier life. If you have anything to add to the conversation, you can do so by commenting below. You can also follow my page for genuine Nutriplus products review and more info on Qnet products.

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