Nutriplus DiabaHealth is not the only daily diabetes supplement out there, but it might be one of the best. And in a world that is becoming more and more concerned about health, it can help you to accomplish a lot more. Diabetes is an issue that affects 422 million people around, the second most of whom are from India. So why is it important to manage your blood sugar and prevent diabetes? What causes diabetes, and what are its symptoms? How does Nutriplus DiabaHealth help you remain healthy and happy?

What is Diabetes?

Causes of Diabetes - What Causes Diabetes?

Diabetes, or sugar as it is commonly called where I am from, is a chronic health issue that affects how your body turns food into energy. When food is broken down in the body for energy, glucose is released into the body. When the level of sugar in your blood gets high, the body sends a signal to the pancreases to produce more insulin. Insulin is the hormone produced by the body that controls blood sugar levels, and acts like a key that lets blood sugar into the cells of your body.

Diabetes is the condition where the body either does not produce enough insulin or the cells in your body is unable to properly respond to it. This means that your blood sugar level goes unregulated and can have damaging effects. Prolonged high blood sugar levels can damage your kidneys, liver, eyes and even cause heart diseases.

While there are no cures for diabetes, proper diet and lifestyle changes can help you improve your symptoms and lead a happy, healthy life. There are basically two kinds of diabetes- type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that affects 5 to 10% of people around the world. It is diagnosed as early as childhood and requires the person to take insulin every day as their body is unable to produce it naturally.

Type 2 diabetes is the condition in which cells in your body is unable to use the insulin that it produces. This can be due to the reduced sensitivity to insulin and makes up almost 90% of all diabetes diagnoses. It can also be prevented or delayed by making lifestyle changes like your diet and physical activity.

Effects of Diabetes

Like I talked about earlier, diabetes can wreak havoc on your body. Over time, high blood sugar can damage your organs as well as your blood vessels. It can include damage to organs like the kidney, liver and even lead to heart attack or stroke. It can also lead to issues with eyesight and hearing as it damages the blood vessels. Excessive damage to these blood vessels can lead to blindness and even need you to get your limbs amputated.

Preventing Diabetes

While diabetes cannot be cured, it can be controlled or even prevented with the help of making some small lifestyle changes. Of these, the most important and effective is keeping your body weight under check. This can be done with the help of proper diet and exercise. It is important to stay away from processed food items and sugars and replace them fibre rich sources like vegetables and fruits. Excessive drinking and smoking can also lead to diabetes and should be avoided or brought under control. 

Nutriplus DiabaHealth: Your Shield from Diabetes

Nutriplus DiabaHealth is a 100% natural product that is based on traditional ayurvedic medicine. It is a blend of different herbs and plant extracts that have been shown to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and to prevent diabetes.

The main active ingredient in Nutriplus DiabaHealth is ‘Epicatechin’, a natural insulin mimetic or NAISUMI. Natural insulin mimetics are compounds that mimic the action of insulin in the body and regulates blood sugar levels. Epicatechin is extracted from Kino or Malabar Kino, a traditional herb that has been shown to have a number of health benefits. Nutriplus DiabaHealth also contains extracts from karela, a widely used herbal remedy for people suffering from diabetes.

Ingredient Profile: Malabar Kino Bark is Rich Sap for a Healthy Scalp -  Collective Laboratories
Malabar Kino Tree

Why Nutriplus DiabaHealth?

With so many supplements and healthcare products available in the market, what makes Nutriplus DiabaHealth so popular and beloved? Why is it my go-to healthcare supplement for me to keep myself and my loved ones?

Nutriplus DiabaHealth is based on ayurvedic medicine and is made of 100% natural products. It is free of any additives and preservatives. It also does not have any side effects and comes in an easy-to-use capsule form. It has helped millions of people around the world to lead healthy and happy life.

Nutriplus products and Your Health

QNET India’s Nutriplus range of products is some of the best and most trusted in the world. No matter what you are looking for in your health supplement, you will surely find a health supplement to meet your needs. You can read more about Nutriplus products and how it can change your life in detail here.

If there is a specific product that you want me to cover, feel free to contact me through the comments below. You can also learn more about how Nutriplus helps you lead a healthier life by avoiding sugar with its Nutriplus Natose Stevia.

Read More: QNET and MyHomePlus Promoting a Better Life


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