Certain metals have been known for their medical and antimicrobial properties. They have been used in Ayurvedic medicine as surgical tools and as a part of medicine. It has also made a comeback in the past few years. And of all the different kind of metal that is used in medicine, silver might be the most widely used and studied. And now, BioSilver 22 Gel is bringing the power of silver to your hands in a simple, quick and easy to use form.

Benefits of silver

While there are many benefits of silver, we will be talking about of antimicrobial benefits of silver. Silver has been shown to kill a number of microbes, including viruses, bacteria etc. However, the exact mechanism of how silver manages to do it is unknown and is still being researched.

The Power of BioSilver 22 Gel

BioSilver 22 Gel from QNET uses the power of silver oxide to keep the skin clean and sanitised while taking care of it. Unlike other products with silver in them, BioSilver uses SilverSol Technology, making it much more efficient and effective. SilverSol technology uses the catalytic conversion to destroy pathogens, then recharge in an instant to repeat the process over and over again. The new and improved SilverSol 22 gel has three main mechanisms of action.

1. It removes the protective coating of the bacterial membrane and destroys it upon contact.

2. The solution also has the same resonant frequency as the blue light used in labs to kill viruses and bacteria. However, since the silver particles in BioSilver 22 is minuscule, it does not pose any additional risk to the surrounding tissues.

3. The suspended colloidal silver particles in BioSilver 22 has a magnetic frequency that allows it to attach to and incapacitate the abnormal genetic material of viruses.

There is 22 ppm (parts per million) of silver in BioSilver 22 gel when compared to 14 ppm found in most conventional products. This makes BioSilver 22 better and more effective than the other products in the market.

BioSilver 22 does not contain any alcohols or preservatives. It is clear, odourless and non-greasy, making it ideal for use in all situations. It also does the dual function of sanitising as well as cleaning the skin, making it an ideal gel for everyday use.

QNET’s aim to improving health and wellness

QNET has always been a leader in improving health and wellness. It has a number of products that are aimed at improving the living standards of its customer as well as making a difference in the world. It has also provided millions of people around the country a chance to start of their own business as well as achieving financial independence. Nutriplus products like Nutriplus DailyHealth, Nutriplus GutHealth and Nutriplus FibreFit has changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. There are also other products like HomePure Zayn air purifier that are aimed at improving your lifestyle.

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