Many of you might not be too familiar with the term ‘Glutathione’. Some of you might have seen articles about why it a wonder drug or might have heard one of your health-obsessed friends talk about it. But what is this compound that is said to improve health and immunity? Are the claims about its amazing medical benefits any true? Let us find out.

What is Glutathione?

Without getting too complicated, Glutathione or GSH is a special antioxidant found in plants, animals, fungi and certain bacteria. It quickly rose in relevance as scientists found about its ability to prevent damage to vital cell components caused due to reactive oxygen groups in the body. While our body also produces Glutathione of its own, studies have found that intravenous or oral supplementation of GSH improves the body’s ability to fight oxidative stress and improve overall health.

Now that you know what Glutathione is, let us talk about its varied benefits.

Reduces Oxidative Stress

How antioxidants work

One of the biggest factors that contribute to the ageing process of the body is oxidative stress. It is the imbalance between the free radicals being produced in the body and its ability to fight them off. High levels of oxidative stress have also been found to be linked to series health conditions including cancer, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. As a strong antioxidant, Glutathione helps the body to fight the free radicals and might in turn help in the prevention of these health conditions.

Reduces cell damage in fatty liver disease

Fatty liver is a growing cause of concern as the number of cases have been growing steadily and can be classified as either alcoholic fatty liver or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Cell death in the liver in such cases have been found to been aggravated due to deficiency of antioxidants in the body. Glutathione helps in reducing and even preventing such cell damage in both alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver. Glutathione has also been found to improve enzyme, protein, and bilirubin levels in patients’ blood.

Improves insulin resistance in older people

Nutriplus EDG3 improves insulin resistance

The body’s ability to create Glutathione reduces as one advance in age. This has been shown to have an impact on the individual’s ability to manage their weight and insulin resistance. Supplementing Glutathione might help in combating this problem.

May help in fighting Parkinson’s and other diseases

Like mentioned above, deficiency of Glutathione has been linked to many health conditions including Parkinson’s, diabetes, and cancer. By making sure that the body has enough antioxidants, you can reduce your chances of getting such diseases.

How to improve Glutathione production?

Now that you know about the health benefits of Glutathione, the obvious question would on how you can get more of it. While there are some food items that you can consume that has GSH in it, the miracle compound is not very heat stable and becomes inactivated during cooking. The same is also true for pasteurisation. Raw meat, pure-unpasteurised dairy products, and freshly picked fruits and vegetable are great sources of natural Glutathione. However, most of us prefer our meat cooked and milk pasteurised.

Other alternatives include intravenous injections and oral pills that you can ingest. While these have been proven to work, they both come with their own issues. While the injection adds tons of new issues and complications to the process, ingesting Glutathione pills have not been found to be as effective as the former.

The best and easiest way to get more Glutathione into your body is to make it yourself. While regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet can do wonders to the GSH levels in your body, you can give it a boost by adding Qnet Nutriplus EDG3 into your daily routine.

Nutriplus EDG3 is a careful and calculated mix of amino acids that are proven to naturally improve your body’s ability to produce Glutathione and overall health. It provides the body with the necessary building blocks that need to produce antioxidants and fight the free radicals more effectively.

Benefits of Nutriplus EDG3
Nutriplus EDG3

Nutriplus EDG3 also have a bevvy of other health benefits as it helps the body detoxify, increases energy levels and immunity, and can even promote healthy hair and nail growth. It improves the health of your eye and your skin and prevents damage to joints and ligaments.

Having a healthy mind and body is a long journey that lasts your lifetime. And in this journey, even the smallest of steps count. Make Nutriplus EDG3 a part of your daily routine and enjoy a healthy and disease-free life.
