In this era where everyone is on the lookout for the next superfood, many of us forget the one superfood that humankind have been using since time immemorable: Honey! Ayurvedic medicine used it for a number of applications. Ancient Egyptian pharaohs loved it and it has always been treasured for its health benefits and the fact that it does not go bad. In fact, honey found in the pyramids of Egypt is still perfectly safe to consume.

Here are some reasons why you should use honey on a regular basis.

A Great Source of Antioxidants

We are all aware of the damage that stress and oxidation can do to the body. When your body is put under stress, it creates free radicals that can cause various problems including tissue damage, chronic conditions of the heart and more.

Raw honey is chalked filled with antioxidant compounds that can prevent the formation of free radicals and reverse its effects. Certain types of honey have more antioxidants in them than many fruits and vegetable.

Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties

Honey was one of the go-to home remedies for many bacterial and fungal infections for our mothers and grandmothers. This is because honey is rich in hydrogen peroxide, which is still widely used as a solution to kill bacteria and fungus.

Helps Heal Wound

Certain types of honey have been shown to improve the body’s healing ability and reduce the chance of infections. In fact, I remember a time in my childhood when I got badly burned and my mother applied honey on my burns to help it heal faster.

Rich in Phytonutrients

Phytonutrients are plant compounds that have a varied range of benefits. Phytonutrients are one of the reasons behind honey’s antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as making it a great source of antioxidants. It is also been shown that raw and unpasteurised honey has great immunity-boosting and anticancer benefits thanks to the phytonutrients in them.

Helps in improving digestion

Honey has been used traditionally as a cure for digestive conditions like diarrhoea and stomach ulcers.

Why you Should Use Raw Honey?

While honey is a natural superfood that has been used for centuries, there is one thing that makes the honey that we get from the supermarket today not as effective. This is because the honey bottles that line the shelves in most supermarket are not pure and have been processed heavily. While this might seem like a good thing, it causes the honey to lose a large part of its health benefits.

Over-processing and pasteurisation of honey remove many of the beneficial compounds like phytonutrients from honey. Getting good quality raw, unpasteurised honey in India can be a hard task, especially if you live in the city. That is why I and my family only trust Nutriplus Busy Bee Monofloral Honey from Qnet.

Nutriplus Busy Bee Monofloral honey is extracted naturally from beehives in a hygienic and sustainable mannered and bottled immediately without the addition of any additives. It is also not heated to any temperature that is higher than the natural temperature of the beehives, allowing it to retain all the natural goodness and quality. It is an excellent source of antioxidants, amino acids and essential minerals and nutrients like zinc, iron, calcium etc.

I have made QNET’s Nutriplus Busy Bee Honey as a part of my daily diet and I cannot recommend it enough. It is delicious, safe and comes in three different flavours. When it comes to the health and safety of my family, Nutriplus Busy Bee is the only honey that I trust!

Read More: Kinnari – The Royal Collection: A Review


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